• Is Salad Club “certified” organic?

    No. While my garden has received no official designation, you can be assured I use only certified organic compost and soil amendments, and I never use herbicides or pesticides.

  • Am I obligated to buy salad every week?

    No. Salad Club is designed to give you flexibility. Salad Club is not a subscription service, and there is never a commitment to buy. If you don’t need fresh greens at the time you receive a harvest notification, simply reply, “no thanks.” That’s it.

  • What if I am not home to receive my fresh greens?

    No problem. Your fresh greens can last for hours in a cooler. Just set out a cooler with an ice pack in an easy to access location at your house and your salad bag will be waiting for you when you arrive home.

  • How do I pay for my salad bag?

    You can pay for your salad bag however you like. For convenience, you can pay via Venmo (@Scott-Buzik) or via Cash app ($ScottBuzik). Also, cash money works just fine with me.

  • How frequently do you harvest?

    The frequency and quantity of harvest varies somewhat throughout the growing season depending on weather conditions. Generally, harvests begin in May and continue through October. The quantity of fresh greens in each salad bags remains consistent; however, the number of salad bags available each harvest can vary. During peak season, my goal is to have enough harvest to offer salad bags on a weekly basis. In the cooler and darker season, my goal is to be able offer salad bags on a bi-weekly basis.

  • Can I buy vegetables other than fresh greens from Salad Club?

    At this time, no. Occasionally, there are surplus vegetables that I simply cannot manage to eat or preserve myself, and I love sharing those with whoever can use them. Let me know if you are interested.